

COOL LINKZ! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

Just a bunch of linkz to other sitez that I think r cool az hecc and u should totally check out!

Site Buttonz (ω)

neocities noweb3 sadgrlonline w3schools templaterr neopets jellyneo lostandpound neomerch blinkies.cafe ezgif gamercat nitrome gifypet 99gifshop largest88x31collection pixelsafari vaje key plasticdino bogleech dimden uncannyvalley moodlemcdoodle melps buzzwole dunsparce golisopod 2bit mooeena y2kid anlucas shishka odditycommoddity atomicgothic sunnyday troysucks ufochasing bootleg64 exopet kickedinteeth y2knexus ironymachine hotlinecafe transgendermoney metaparadox jellyworld theenderdraco niftows deadland prfm faux entranceorexit o8archive dokodemo frankencycled onemillionfurries kotatsu youtuube spiders sid'ssite mesoscale channel27 olliveen astrossoundhell acerainbowz crashtestdummy antikrist antiamorous worm-lungs andou glitchedguts maxdimo boypussy demon-boy warpzone Swifty's HQ! corruobserver button to davemiller's neocities page

HTML/Website Related Pagez (^<)

Sadgrl HTML Cheat Sheet basic HTML inputz ready to copy and paste into ur website'z code! wuz a huge help with the making of all my pagez

Sadgrl Webmaster Links a HUGE collection of helpful HTML/CSS related sitez!

Sadgrl Layout Builder a free HTML/CSS website layout maker!

Eggramen CSS Testpages Cool free to use CSS site templatez!

Codepen.io Live HTML/CSS/Java sandbox! great for testing out ur own codez!

Glitter Text Online Super simple glitter text maker!

TEXTANIM Animated text maker! similar to Glitter Text Online but usez other textrurez and not glitter gifz

GlowTxt Glowing text maker!

Pookatoo Very similar to GlowTxt but with a collection of spooky fonts with unique effectz!

Textcraft Cool non-animated text maker!

FlamingText.com Cool logo maker with lotz of optionz!

Repeater Make just about any pattern into a repeating one! good for website backgroundz

Hekate2 Really cool background maker and archive!

Loading.io Neat little loading graphic maker!

Web Button Maker A 88x31 button maker!

Sadgrl 88x31 Button Maker Another 88x31 button maker!

ACA Systems Button Maker Super neat 80x15 button maker!

GifCities Loadz and LOADZ of old archived GeoCites graphicz! thiz iz where I get most of my page graphicz!

Glitter Graphics Lotz of old MySpace graphicz + a funky HTML based text generator!

Myspace Gens Old Myspace Resourcez! Lotz of cool old web graphicz!

GifCity A collection of a bunch of cool graphicz and other neat page coding thingz!

Tiny Backgrounds TONZ of neat background imagez and gifz for ur website!

Sadgrl Tiled Backgrounds A collection of super neat imagez and gifz free to use for ur sitez!

The 88x31 GIF Collection A collection of 88x31 buttonz to use on ur webpage!

A.N. Lucas's 88x31 Button Collection Another collection of 88x31 buttonz!

Fluffmoth's ID Buttons HUGE collection of tiny ID buttonz initially intended for the site Flight Rising! Also has a button generator!

RV's Free Javascript/DHTML Effects Fun webpage effectz!

Dafont Free fontz for ur websitez!

Google Fonts MORE free fontz!

Iconian Fonts TONZ of neat fontz to download! also haz bitmap fontz!

Sadgrl Fonts a collection of cool as heck fontz free to use for ur sitez!

Font Space Another free font site! haz a lot of really good pixel fontz!

Kaomoji.ru A big collection of copy + paste kaomojiz! (basically just japanese emoticonz from the old internet lol)

TEXT-IMAGE Convert imagez to text! has HTML, ASCII, and Matrix optionz!

LingoJam Translate ur text into various unicode fontz and languagez!

Text Colorizer HTML text gradient maker!

CSSgradient.io Super easy to use CSS gradient maker!

Web Neko code for ur page that addz a kitty that followz ur cursor!

Cursor Effects Super neat cursor effects for ur webpage!

Website Out Free view counterz for ur page!

Cbox.ws Live chatbox asset for ur page!

Useful Toolz/Resourcez __φ()

EZgif Gif maker and editor with LOTZ of optionz! An absolute godsend for editing and converting graphicz, I use thiz site a lot for my own graphicz!

Imgflip Another Gif maker/editor! pretty good for making vidz into gifz!

PicMix Photo editor VERY similar to the clasic site Blingee, but doez not require flash to use! also haz tonz of really cool graphicz uploaded by other userz!

IMGonline Another photo editor! also letz u generate cool backgroundz!

BlogGif Online image editor and text generator!

OIE Another online image editor! letz u add glitter to imagez! (doesn't seem to work well with transparent imagez tho :[)

LunaPic Yet another photo editing site! totally broswer based and doez not require you to make an account to use!

PHOTOMOSH Photo editor that let'z u put super cool animated effectz on ur picz!

Perchance random generator maker! (there'z also tonz of cool generatorz made by other userz on there!)

Make Wordart Old windowz Wordart maker!

Random Pokemon Generator Need a Pokemon but can't decide which one to use? pick up to 6 random onez with thiz site!

Petpet Generator Make a cute gif of any character or image getting petz!

Thousands of Palettes Generates thousandz of different color palettes!

Earthbound Textbox Generator Create ur own animated text boxez styled to look like the game Earthbound!

Rooms Really cool voxel style room maker! Totally free and fully customizable! Also avaiable az an iOS app!

Online-Sign Create ur own safety signz!

TubiTV Watch TONZ of moviez and showz for free!

Filmgrab High quality screencapz from moviez!

Screenmusings MORE High quality screencaps from moviez!

3D Jungle Free 3D modelz and texturez!

Embodi3D 3D modelz of human body parts made to be 3D printed!

The VG Resource TONZ of resourcez ripped from video gamez! spritez, texturez, modelz, soundz, u name it! There's even a ton of custom assetz made by the site'z community!

Bob Ross Playlist Big playlist of Bob Ross episodez! currently over 400 videoz to watch!

Fursuit Maker's Database Huge database of fursuit makerz from around the world! can also show if a maker is open for commissions and whatnot!

COV Album cover search engine! haz lotz of diffrent artistz!

DragonVale Sandbox A super helpful website that hostz a lot of different info regarding the game DragonVale! (Idk if there are many ppl on NeoCitiez that play DV but I do and it'z been a big help while playing lol)

TBOI.Com Cheat sheet for The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth and all its DLCs + Antibirth!

Neocolours View every paint color of every neopet ever! super useful to find specific pet colorz as refrencez if u plan to make Neopetz art!

Just Delete Me Find out how (or if u even can) delete an account from just about any website!

What The Fuck Should I Listen To Right Now givez you music reccomendationz according to whatever artist u input!

Name That Color Can't put a name to a specific color? thiz site iz for u!

AreaCodeHelp.com A site that iz uper helpful in regardz to area codez in cell numberz! thiz link in particular leadz to a page that haz all currently unused area codez, great for authorz who want to put a fictitious number in their writing

RealGems.org Haz a ton of info about a huge variety of gemstonez!

Gamez & Stuff! (o^)/ ° (^o)

Windows 93 The coolest virtual machine ever! packed with loadz of gamez and thingz to do!

BrantSteele.net Survival-type gameshow simulator site! thiz iz where the Hunger Gamez sim comez from!

Neal.fun A collection of fun little website gamez!

Checkbox Olympics See how fast u can click all the checkboxes! haz loadz of different gamemodez!

PixelJam Indie game studio with a buch of their old flash gamez on their site! u need a plugin to play them tho and not all of them are currently playable :[

Science VS Magic A bunch of neat lil thingz to mess with!

Play2048 Play 2048 for free online!

Metazooa Neat animal guessing game! also has a version for plantz linked at the top of the site!

Flow In Games Play the game Flow here! (reqirez flash emulator plugin)

Line Rider A classic flash game about linez!

Hero Forge DnD character creator! Also u can order actual minifigurez of the chatacters u create!

Syoujonoheya [WARNING: containz nudity, gore, and mild NSFW content] Really cool goth dollmaker!

CyberCamp2007 Scene/emo dollmaker made in Scratch!

Mii Creator Super cool Mii maker! Also allowz you save modelz of the Miiz you make!

Weavesilk Weave some cool glowy silk art!

Incredibox Make a beat with funky animationz! Also has a bunch of really cool modz made for it!

Scale Sequencer Neat lil music maker! Super fun to mezz with!

Dragon Cave Neat virtual pet site about dragonz, ur dragonz will grow depending on how many ppl click on them!

Other Neat Sitez! (*ω)

Cameron's World A super cool tribute to old GeoCitiez graphicz!

The Useless Web A big collection of uselezz but cool websitez! clicking the button will give u a different 1 each time!

Emergency Compliment Feeling not so swag? maybe thiz site can help with that!

PointerPointer Honestly it'd be better if you figured thiz one out by yourself :] (don't worry it'z safe)

Drawing Garden Drag ur cursor around to draw a garden!

Staggering Beauty [WARNING: Containz flashing lightz/colorz and loud soundz] Shake ur cursor and see what happens!

Hacker Typer Type to make urself look like a REAL hacker!

OMFGDOGS [WARNING: Containz flashing lightz/colorz] Pixel dogs running!!!!

Remoji Drag ur cursor around to put a bunch of old web emojis on ur screen!

Shake Art Simple drawing program based off of the game Vib Ribbon!

Shake Art Deluxe An upgraded version of Shake Art! Haz colors unlike the basic version!

OurWorldOfPixels Neat collaborative pixel art website!

Kirby's Rainbow Resort The internet'z longest running Kirby fansite! Tonz of things to see there!

Antipodes Map Tellz u where the exact opposite of the planet iz from ur location!

Pixel Profile Generator Letz u generate a BBCode profile code out of any image! Made specifically for FurAffinity but can be used on other sitez!

Make Everything OK Prezz the button to make everything ok :]

Video Game Visual Vault A HUGE archive of video game imagez and visualz from all over the world!

MapartCraft Make a minecraft map out of any image! Givez u lotz of settingz to work with!

Looking At Something [WARNING: Containz flashing lightz/colorz] Move ur cursor to control the weather!

Iso Drag down the cubes and watch it bounce!

HOME Discography A compilation of a HUGE chunk of music made by HOME! U might recognize their music from Summoning Salt videoz and from their song Resonance! (songz are listed in alphabetical order, timestampz for each one are in the pinned comment)

Random.org A website with a bunch of totally random thingz to do on there!

Isosquad Site with lotz of fun and creative toolz to mezz with!