Art Gallery
My Characterz
My Graphicz
Dragon Hoard
The Inter-Web
Card Collectionz
Game Shelf
Pokemon Shrinez
Music Collectionz
Virtual Collectionz
Cool Linkz

Made by Me!

this web page iz still under major construction right now

UPDATE 12/15/24 Changed "Pokemon Collections" to "Pokemon Shrines" and set up itz page! No active linkz yet tho
UPDATE 10/??/24 Added a glitter stampz section to the pride flag stampz page on the my graphicz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 10/13/24 Added a view counter to the main page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 7/24/24 Reorganized stuff on linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 5/30/24 HUGE update! Totally overhauled the My Graphicz page, now it'z multiple different pagez rather than just one super long one! Also added a new section for pride flag stampz! As well as some general tweakz and fixez around the whole site + New IOTW!
UPDATE 3/23/24 Added new site titlez & changed some stuff around! (some pagez still had the welcome stars title LOL)
UPDATE 3/18/24 Finally added a start page! also changed around a bunch of thingz all over the site + New IOTW!
UPDATE 12/21/23 A TON of new decorationz added to the main page + added 1 lil secret for y'all to find :3
UPDATE 12/19/23 Changed around & added some new stuff on the main page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 11/11/23 Added some new stuff to the linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 10/7/23 Moved some stuff around on the main & linkz pagez, also added a Virtual Collection page! (replaces the virtual petz link in the sitemap)
UPDATE 9/21/23 Added a bunch MORE new stuff to the Linkz page & added 2 ad bannerz to main page! (these are here temporarily tho, will find good spotz for em at a later date) + New IOTW
UPDATE 9/21/23 Added a bunch of new stuff to the Linkz page!
UPDATE 8/22/23 Changed some thingz on the Linkz page
UPDATE 8/16/23 Set up My Characterz page (no link yet!) + new IOTW!
UPDATE 8/8/23 Set up About page! Also added and moved around stuff on the Linkz page!
UPDATE 7/23/23 New stuff on My Graphicz page + New IOTW
UPDATE 6/23/23 Minor changez to the My Graphicz page + New IOTW (also srry I haven't been updating as frequently, been focusing on other stuff 人(_ _*))
UPDATE 6/13/23 Minor changez to the linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 5/31/23 Set up Shrinez page! None of the linkz to each shrine is set up yet but at least the page iz there lol :p
UPDATE 5/29/23 Made a few minor changez to the linkz & creditz pagez + New IOTW!
UPDATE 5/21/23 Added some new stuff to My Graphicz page & Linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 5/15/23 Moved around & added some stuff on My Graphicz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 5/4/23 Added Virtual Petz section in the site map (no link set up yet!) + New IOTW!
UPDATE 4/23/23 Set up creditz page! + New IOTW
UPDATE 4/22/23 Added new graphicz to My graphicz page + added a few new entriez to the Linkz page!
UPDATE 4/15/23 Added & changed a few thingz on the Linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 4/4/23 My Graphicz page set up! + New IOTW!
UPDATE 3/26/23 Set up the link to the IOTW Archive and changed around some thingz on the Linkz page + New IOTW!
UPDATE 3/17/23 Added Image of the Week section and a few new catagoriez to the sitemap (no linkz set up yet, that'll be done later!)
UPDATE 3/16/23 Added sitemap, update log, and made some minor improvementz to the main page

Added 11/28/24
Losing my shit over thiz gif helppppp (it'z real az fuck tho M. Bubbles is kinda...)