
noweb3 button button button button button button button button button by 44nifty by 44nifty
Site Buttonz!!!

Made by Me!

sitebutton sitebutton



this web page iz still under major construction right now

Update Log!!!

UPDATE 12/15/24 Changed "Pokemon Collections" to "Pokemon Shrines" and set up itz page! No active linkz yet tho

UPDATE 10/??/24 Added a glitter stampz section to the pride flag stampz page on the my graphicz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 10/13/24 Added a view counter to the main page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 7/24/24 Reorganized stuff on linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 5/30/24 HUGE update! Totally overhauled the My Graphicz page, now it'z multiple different pagez rather than just one super long one! Also added a new section for pride flag stampz! As well as some general tweakz and fixez around the whole site + New IOTW!

UPDATE 3/23/24 Added new site titlez & changed some stuff around! (some pagez still had the welcome stars title LOL)

UPDATE 3/18/24 Finally added a start page! also changed around a bunch of thingz all over the site + New IOTW!

UPDATE 12/21/23 A TON of new decorationz added to the main page + added 1 lil secret for y'all to find :3

UPDATE 12/19/23 Changed around & added some new stuff on the main page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 11/11/23 Added some new stuff to the linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 10/7/23 Moved some stuff around on the main & linkz pagez, also added a Virtual Collection page! (replaces the virtual petz link in the sitemap)

UPDATE 9/21/23 Added a bunch MORE new stuff to the Linkz page & added 2 ad bannerz to main page! (these are here temporarily tho, will find good spotz for em at a later date) + New IOTW

UPDATE 9/21/23 Added a bunch of new stuff to the Linkz page!

UPDATE 8/22/23 Changed some thingz on the Linkz page

UPDATE 8/16/23 Set up My Characterz page (no link yet!) + new IOTW!

UPDATE 8/8/23 Set up About page! Also added and moved around stuff on the Linkz page!

UPDATE 7/23/23 New stuff on My Graphicz page + New IOTW

UPDATE 6/23/23 Minor changez to the My Graphicz page + New IOTW (also srry I haven't been updating as frequently, been focusing on other stuff 人(_ _*))

UPDATE 6/13/23 Minor changez to the linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 5/31/23 Set up Shrinez page! None of the linkz to each shrine is set up yet but at least the page iz there lol :p

UPDATE 5/29/23 Made a few minor changez to the linkz & creditz pagez + New IOTW!

UPDATE 5/21/23 Added some new stuff to My Graphicz page & Linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 5/15/23 Moved around & added some stuff on My Graphicz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 5/4/23 Added Virtual Petz section in the site map (no link set up yet!) + New IOTW!

UPDATE 4/23/23 Set up creditz page! + New IOTW

UPDATE 4/22/23 Added new graphicz to My graphicz page + added a few new entriez to the Linkz page!

UPDATE 4/15/23 Added & changed a few thingz on the Linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 4/4/23 My Graphicz page set up! + New IOTW!

UPDATE 3/26/23 Set up the link to the IOTW Archive and changed around some thingz on the Linkz page + New IOTW!

UPDATE 3/17/23 Added Image of the Week section and a few new catagoriez to the sitemap (no linkz set up yet, that'll be done later!)

UPDATE 3/16/23 Added sitemap, update log, and made some minor improvementz to the main page

Image of the Week!!!

Added 11/28/24

Losing my shit over thiz gif helppppp (it'z real az fuck tho M. Bubbles is kinda...)

IOTW Archive